PCI Secure Software Framework

Our Certified Secure Software Framework Assessors Offer Expert Guidance And Support To achieve PCI Secure Software Framework Compliance.

With the expiration of PCI DSS, the PCI Security Standards Council has unveiled the PCI Software Security Framework (SSF), a comprehensive collection of standards and programs tailored to the secure design and development of payment software. 

What We offer: 

  • Provides assurance regarding the security of both traditional and modern payment software, as well as forthcoming advancements.
  • Prioritizes security throughout the entire software development lifecycle.
  • Streamlines the adoption of agile software development processes and methodologies.

WHAT IS PCI Secure Software Framework? Who is it for?


The PCI SSF (payment card industry software security framework) is a specialized security framework crafted to support software vendors in creating and delivering secure payment applications to their clientele. It introduces an innovative method for affirming the security of both conventional and forthcoming payment software and applications.

The PCI SSF assessment comprises two integral components, the Secure Software Lifecycle (SLC) Standard and the Secure Software Assessment (SSA).

It is imperative to understand that these two components are distinct and separate. While an organization may necessitate an assessment of its payment applications via a Secure SLC assessment, it may not necessarily require a separate evaluation of the entity’s software through an SSA assessment.

Secure Software Standard (SSS)

Designed for payment software that is marketed, distributed, or licensed to external parties. This encompasses payment software meant for installation on customer systems as well as those provided to customers as a service via the Internet.

Secure Software Lifecycle Standard (SSLC)

Comprises a set of security requirements and corresponding test procedures for software vendors. It serves to confirm that they effectively oversee the security of payment software across its entire lifecycle.

Why Choose Ejabi InfoSec PCI Secure Software Framework?

  1. Provide assurance that effective security measures and protection mechanisms are in place to safeguard your customer’s card data.
  2. Mitigate the risk of penalties and complications in the event of a data breach.
  3. Enhance protection against security threats and ensure compliance with evolving regulatory standards.
  4. Attract new business from customers who prioritize PCI SSF compliance.
  5. Secures your organization’s spot in either the validated payment Software registry and/or the secure SLC-qualified vendor registry.


The PCI SSF encompasses a set of standards and programs dedicated to the secure design and development of payment software. Ensuring secure design, development, and implementation of payment software is essential for enabling reliable and precise payment transactions.

The SSF supersedes the Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS), introducing enhanced security controls and requirements that cater to a wider range of payment software categories, technologies, and development approaches. 


Scope definition

Ejabi InfoSec's approach considers all pertinent business, regulatory, and compliance needs. During our scoping phase, we extensively engage with your key stakeholders to establish clear responsibilities, timelines, and budgetary parameters.

Gap analysis and testing

In readiness for PCI SSF certification, we at Ejabi InfoSec will perform a thorough gap analysis to pinpoint areas of non-compliance requiring rectification. Additionally, we will rigorously test and review your code, security controls, and systems against PCI SSF compliance prerequisites.

Vulnerability management

We will perform an exhaustive vulnerability management program, addressing potential weaknesses in your systems and applications. This encompasses an in-depth assessment of both internal and external networks, strengthening defenses against potential breaches. Identified issues will be clearly communicated, along with practical resolutions.


We assist in implementing required controls to address compliance gaps, ensuring all PCI SSF violations are rectified or mitigated using appropriate measures. Our vendor-neutral approach provides guidance on both open-source and commercial solutions.

PCI SSF certification

Leveraging our status as a certified PCI Security Standards Council assessor, Advantio will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your software lifecycle, guiding you through the process of obtaining PCI SSF certification.


We offer expert guidance in developing and implementing PCI SSF compliance. This encompasses assistance with information security policies, secure network architecture design, and conducting gap analyses with subsequent remediation.

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