It is imperative to invest in risk management, irrespective of the industry. The nature of business invariably entails a level of inherent risk.

WHAT IS Risk Assessment? and who is it for?

Risk assessment and management are indispensable elements of modern business operations across all industries. In today’s evolving technological domain, organizations of all verticals rely on risk assessment services to fortify their enterprises and increase business resilience for the future. These services serve as a proactive shield, identifying vulnerabilities and potential threats, thus enabling businesses to implement tailored strategies for mitigation. 


By conducting thorough risk assessments and gap testing, organizations gain a comprehensive understanding of their unique risk landscape, allowing for informed decision-making and resource allocation. This not only safeguards sensitive data but also preserves brand reputation and sustains operational continuity. 

What We Offer With Ejabi InfoSec Risk Assessment?

Effectively Manage and Minimize Business Risk

Ejabi InfoSec adheres to the stringent framework that complies with compliance standards for performing risk assessments. Conducting risk assessment proves vital in meeting requirements across various regulatory compliance standards, including PCI DSS, PCI CPP, security testing services, and IT auditing. The outcome of your risk assessment will guide your remediation efforts and ongoing risk management, enabling you to take proactive measures to safeguard your business and its sensitive data.

Streamline Your Compliance Requirements

Meeting compliance standards can often be challenging and complicated. However, attaining and abiding by compliance not only shields your business from potential fines and penalties but also ensures the satisfaction of your clients, partners, and management. We at Ejabi InfoSec understand the complex nature of compliance and audits and have streamlined this process to provide you with a hassle-free experience.

Safeguard Your Environment

At Ejabi InfoSec, we provide extensive insights from your assessment through exhaustive consultation, 24/7 customer support, and complete reporting. Armed with knowledge about your threats and risks, you can proceed with your daily operations with confidence, knowing what areas require vigilant monitoring. Through diligent oversight, you can swiftly address vulnerabilities, preventing any lasting impact on your business.

Risk Assessment Timeline Explained

Step 1: Risk Assessment Preparation

Assessors will establish the assessment's intention and scope by pinpointing how and where sensitive data is generated, transmitted, and stored

Step 2: Threats and Incident Identification

The next step is to determine the nature of the threat origin your organization encounters such as adversarial, accidental, structural, or environmental, and the incidents these origins could potentially trigger e.g. phishing, etc.

Step 3: Gaps, Vulnerabilities and Contributing Factors

By discerning threats, organizations can detect potential vulnerabilities related to their information system, internal operations, and the immediate environment in which they operate. This phase highlights areas predisposing conditions such as architectures, and technologies utilized in order of immediate priority.

Step 4: Probability Occurrence Assessment

Utilizing different tiers of organizations can determine threat occurrence probability.

Step 5: Impact Assessment and Analysis

After establishing the likelihood of a threat, you can utilize each tier to assess the impact of each threat event.

Step 6: Risk Assessment

By combining the likelihood and the threat impact extent, organizations can determine the risk to their business and its severity.

Step 7: Facilitating Risk Response

The final phase involves ensuring relevant individuals within the organization are equipped with the appropriate risk-related information to facilitate and steer decision-making to handle and resolve the potential issue. This phase also integrates frequent risk assessment reports to serve as a means of communication within the organization, analyzing the data and assisting in mitigating threat risks in the future.

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